AiR and Exhibition: Faisal Abdu’Allah


Faisal Abdu’Allah
Artist in Residence: 2012
Exhibition: Dec - Jan 2012/3
The Royal London Hospital Gallery

Candyfloss is the outcome of Faisal’s residency at The Royal London Children’s Hospital this autumn. Over the course of six weeks, Faisal worked creatively with young patients to explore complex ideas around identity, helping them to develop a series of alter egos using Hasselblad, Polaroid and HD digital cameras. Faisal has developed a series of intriguing diptychs that explore physical and psychological transformation.

Faisal Abdu’Allah’s work primarily evolves from the interface of photography, the printed image and lens-based installations. He graduated in Fine Arts at the Royal College of Art in London.

This project is funded by Help A Capital Child.


AiR: Franziska Lantz


Vital Arts Festival 2012